We Turned 18??

Hey everyone, I have been so MIA, been on holiday in Italy for 20 days for my birthday so my blogger duties have been on a break since then.
However I have done too much that I will be sharing In the next few days what I have been up to.

Lets get to the part that excites me the must: MY BIG BIRTHDAY 18TH PARTY Lit it was an understatement, we rented one of the most beautiful villas swell as all what you can imagine at a party; open bar, sick music and much more.

Makeup done by https://www.instagram.com/beauty_by_pritcint/ (Italy)
Hair, wig customised by https://www.instagram.com/_bylayo/ (London) for my hair info contact me in Insta.
Dress: Finsbury Park.


  1. What a fun party. You look so beautiful in that red gown and the girls all look great. I hope you had the most incredible birthday!

